Think like this:
There is Walhalla for WEMB in the region of the world
Walhalla called satellite Megapolis / makropol and also PARTNERS (Common = synthesis) World CAPITAL mini Akdelik (Quasar), and then it is adjacent to the collapsar get LUCK. (Is a mercy from Allah, is not a coincidence)
So from this Karn (ie vortex / vortex forms from the Corn) by entering the opposite will take you away from the black hole vortex. That already collapsed in the form of black hole of Şi'ra ( Vakıa 76 collapsed following the biggest stars swear this is a place), and is a CORN HOLE been output end.
Vakıa 75-76. ... Stars in places I would swear. And if you know, this really is a great oath.
The people there do?
NEAREST is addressed to the Sun that is necessarily Şi'ra name ... He is the Sun's planets that both IS OUR SOLAR SYSTEM (Solar system) is TWO PLANETS. TWO PLANETS loss, that is farther from Pluton and Tietz-Bode string according to the two planets, the sun was out in the form of black hole created by the famous partner "CORN / Karn 'is.
Walhalla has achieved this mystery.
He enters and from CORN, this time (which is adjacent, but the distance 83 years, but there'll come out in A MOMENT) that arched out in Şi'ra Akdelik(Quasar)
Well if you want to return from Şi'ra?
Then formed the twin of Şi'ra CORN HOLE from flour enters the black hole, the collapsing twin of the Sun from the solar system where you will enter the black hole CORN HOLE.
So any traffic, however, departure and arrival are separate highways.
Walhalla Express way that's "Box Office" is located as an outpost. Here (Walhalla) enters from the opposite (Allahlaw) interests and too short a time will come one way thousand per month.
We are in the other two planets. These two planet "is not destroyed" CORN HOLE than that through the other side have been in there (special selection of Allah) in a way, "our solar system, a speed close to light speed to 83-year spread over a route, has been extended can say"
Nur /35 "Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His example of light, a lamp similar to that in the çerağ. Kandil, located in a glass. Glass, it hurt like a star, to the east or west of the proportion of non-blessed olive tree is lit. This tree oil, almost touching, even if the fire is radiant. It is light upon light. Allah guides whom He will to his light. Allah gives examples of people. Allah knows everything. "
Let us remember:
the REAL name of Allah is here NURÜN ALA NUR. It is light upon light! His model of NUR (Not His!) Fusion next (cold fusion thermonucleer) Describes the main mechanism of TARIQ.
Than two models.
We know Necm: STAR! So the radiation (which ziya not reflect the field, including Shams = sun) all stars. Why called Necm? Because a single star seem remote galaxies. TWO to separate.
There are two cases in the plural Necm:
1. NecmEYN>>> Stars in pairs.
2. NÜCUM>>> a) Both STARS and b) Stars in community galaxies!
GALAXY word means that (by a name) NÜCUM he been reported. (Star of community, the island of stars, a collection of stars.) In fact, the galaxy is also located in the Qur'an. But one of these examples are given to us: Andromeda! (Mecelle!) Can you find this verse? Especially the verses that describe the galaxy arms "such as frizzy hair" or "opened as Pinwheel" within the meaning of passwords (for models). (Your hair curls like expansions which folds and get to heaven! ")
51/7 “Indeed sema(sky) with HUBUK”
“we el samâi zâtil HUBUK”
Yes hubu, hubk. Hubk at the same time as the wind rose, and according to the weather vane;))) This is a miracle, the Qur'an centuries ago (not seen with the naked eye) to the two types of galaxies were considered>>> a) Hubk => Pinwheel or curly hair type ones and b) except that .
Are Şİ'RA range of:
1. Uranus is the first stage:
Why is Uranus? Because the planet Uranus, the first order is NOT SEEN WİTH NAKED EYE. (Şi'ra but kevkeb.)
2. Şi'ra is a star (NECM)
This is Allahlaw-out GATE region.
Why Şi'ra "NECM = Star" also dedicated. Is lowered because Şi'ra. As the universe toward Armageddon hourglass isthmus / throat is strangled with. Is one of 7 of the meaning Necm1 verse. Do we have a CLEAR understanding here?
Necm / 1 "By the Fall, while the stars."
Necm / 49 "Indeed, He is Lord of Şi'ra."
3. Andromeda HUBK!
Hubk word password. Let's open: HUB => Hubble and K =>Keşf(Discovery) Now addressed as "Hubble's discovery of a link with the Andromeda please. Andromeda who has discovered? (Please do not: and Kaf Kef is the same letter in Chiffre.)
- Edwin Hubble.
ZigZag s former members are Edwin Hubble. (The time traveler is not.) Einstein's "prohibiting the expansion of the universe" cosmological constant corresponds to, "the universe is expanding" he coefficient of the expansion (Hubble constant) is even found the very elite.
Habil was the name we know. (Hubble and Caen. Kaen Kabul.) And the greatest discovery (as observational) that the Andromeda's stars, the galaxy was first found HUBK. So much so that his name was given to the first space telescope: Hubble telescope. Hubble is a direct Edwin Axel’s students. (Edwin Heiberg, Axel'in younger brother and Eidvin original spelling.)
Now another Chiffre secret:
Hitab(As soul)-Kitab(Book) ...
Hubble>>> that is not open as Hunnes, Habil.
Kabil (is capable of)>>> like Künnes drop!
And this difference is Mecelle Hubk.
When you look at the diagram of galaxies SHAPED, you see some of them were opened, some clusters became nearly amorphous lumps or is.
Smallest in our Milky Way satellite galaxies (which appears to us like a cloud) Which is? Allah in the Qur'an it has a direct MECELLE name. That period, even the existence of these satellite galaxies unknown. A galaxy similar to our satellite-Mecelle us immediately to find a name-name because of similarities of this ...
Daha iyi bir çeviri ile katkıda bulunun
- Macellan.
Yes Magellan nebulae!
This (Adiyat>>> Horsepower, etc.) is a miracle.
Let's look to Sanskrit:
Majella (Mahella) is read.
Go vimanas the LOKAL (mahalli in Turkish) A PLACE!
Even in Spanish the letter J is read like Ş (sh) or H
Or Juan (John) HUAN etc. I read.
(Don Quijotte => Don Quixote is read.)
Majella (in Sanskrit and read the fine He J) Mahal / neighborhood that is completely verbatim overlapping with the word LOCAL is the password for a Koran. Oddly enough, our Lord, he has written in Majelle it. But the letter J-removed from circulation when the wrong-doers Haccac-back Mecelle HERITAGE remained.
Thus of Şi'ra
ANDROMEDA that (7 names is essential) understand.
Remaining four name-meal as the venue Awareness Kalubela running (Şi'ra) is a series of take up. One day, the words thank them. (Süheyl star, Safa stars are located in other systems, etc. ...)
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