Omniscientist Doctrine of ZIGZAG.sche Lehre

Everything in the universe is objective and subjective, such as two sides of a currency is something ONLY. It's OMNIJECTIVE. Upper system NUNNES common Hunnes one side (Chaos) Kunnes a face (Cosmos) the object and subject (Nun=Point/Pen sura. Nun also means isthmus.) Binary system is two digits. Nun=zero and Pen=One. Nunnes is OSMOS (Tunnel) as aganist.) Osmos / Nunnes 1 and 0 (Or, OMNİ-top system formed from AL and LA)

Alternative Sience Club/CLUB OMNIscience

Official science bigotry against "alternative science" the word is specially selected. There, you our members with a "Our club / Club-Clube" created. Parallel with us, for example, zigzag group (Group / Grouppe) and future "WE'M B DOZEN SYSTEM", the "Globe-Cruppe" This is the sort one type of group names.

DIN(RELIGION) LEAGUE*3:104+110+114*Hanifate League

Located in Ali Imran verse written, between correct east + central Mohammadi vessahabi + inward west, there is no a religion league. Religion league, Superstitious West before/in question for sure and Dogmatic East (Sophianist) arrives from 116 is related. Religion league is Khanif of struggle against groups that do not have Khanif.

Hanif is located in other languages as Hanyff, Khanif, Khanifate, Khanifage (I should write "take place" according to No-Yes.)

TIC-TOC Aquarius Cycle ZIPZAP Millennium

This term, time and date of travel in the forward and backward technology of Zig-Zag is reached will be to intervene is the name. (Tick-tock clock and the pendulum swinging back and forth within the meaning of)

Aquarius Cycle (Delu / Delve) Enlightenment, The Golden Age. Especially in the electronic age. (You can search for Aquarian stage. The sun is located in one of the cosmic distance.)

The name of our current mission ZİPZAP.

Millennium (We call Miladium) since 2001 entered Zigzag-Zipzap transformation. (Start of a World Trade Center is being held swaddling processed.)

Alias C.M.Allende = Current name of KMA (10SCE Mrs.cp)

Expansion= Next+Extra+Trans+Science+center+Terminal
Tha part of Walhalla's heart

TARIQ was first artificially produced here.
(that will be manufactured if l write in No-Yes )

Expansion: World+Discipline+Principle+Plan+Network


Expansion: Monoblock+Congresse+Senate


Expansions: Block+camp+Pact and
tourist state in terms
Club-blue-camping+Picknick+camp/Park states...

Emerging shape of these four scores constitute our new ARMA.

WEMBloCongresSenate = 12 (dozen) state delegations, where the congress + senate equal and coordinated.

WorlDisciPrinciple= Mehdi / Messiah world order, discipline and principles are valid for the whole world. (Koran so judges are there! "We want Sharia" is not shouting. Kur'an system all over the world have accepted voluntarily. Because Khanif has intolerableness.)

WEMBassador: Leaders of 12 major states, WEMB-ambassadors
WembAssistants= WEMB BASİS (base) Assistants (Technocrats)
WEMBase Base section of WEMB
Here functions:
*PasTimEnergy=Back to the Time Energy
*TiMessAgency=transmitted back to the Time, Message, Agency
KaiMaqam*Tayy-uz-Zeman*Tayy-ul-Meckan (Juggle in Time and Juggle in Location)

SHE-RA >>>Outpost capital of Allahlaw: in Şi'ra solar system. There
MEHDistrict (Mehdi city, also called District of ALLAHLAW.)

TiMechanics: (Time-Mechanism of "juggle in location" and tecknocrats ile techinicians)
TARIQ/Dhurakapalam :The vehicle in Tariq sura "People do hand"

Timebulance: (Time-Ambulance)1N.10SCE. From:AlMighty
(Hızır) /To:Mighty (Mehdi)& Messiah (İsa)
:Haniffated Mehdist Muslim The Mehdianism vs the Sophianism The
Haniff-Sheriff:Hans vån Æiberg(Heiberg-von Äiberg)
I had previously written about "the shell to change". I said that "Why only Hızır Tezkire(Duplication)?" Hızır grandpa (3 +1) M that is only Almighty of four Majisyen. Other Mighty / Mehdi, Messiah / Jesus and Maitrea = Yahya (Jhon)...

I personally change the name of our Islamic teachings 4M/Protestant is required by 3M +1. (Transmitter source: Jana) to cover the three in terms of an appropriate title should be found.

recommendation: The Khaniffate. Protestant Muslim ....... As ... (Suggestions are expected.)

Although it no longer combine and virtual ZipZap ZigZag, Doctrine of our teachings to be known as ZigZag(Zigzagsche Lehre) is exceeded. Editor and redactor of more things because you write and add them did. So instead of ZigZag teachings, doctrine OMNISCIENT, Do you want to write? (Blackflag we have drawn this to be a father like that name was given to me. But I wanted to share with you. I have no WE!)

After determining these two headings "Our Blackflag" and on the bottom (in black and white to be written. The same black background, as most of our HOME page should be enlarged, and the following CONDITIONS necessarily smaller than the plates with a monolithic writing as she should be prepared.

Omniscientist Doctrine of Protestant İslam

Alternative Sience Club/CLUB OMNIscience
DİN LİGİ*3:104+110+114*Hanifate League
TIC-TOC Aquarius Cycle ZIPZAP Millennium
Alias C.M.Allende NExTranScienCenTerminal

The following section "Conservation has to", and also much smaller
be added to the floor again with a black font.

ALLAHLAW Maitrea(Messiah+Almighty+Mighty)
Walhalla>>TimeTripTeam:10SCE> Passangers:Ms.CP& Miss.CCP +
Messenger:MisTresspas*senger Time Walkyrie 2054
TiMechanics: TARIQ/Dhurakapalam Timebulance>1N>10SCE Haniff
Sheriffs: 10SCE Knite& 10SCE Waltz
Haniffated Mehdianism vs.Hadithian Sophianism: The Mehdist Moslem
v.the Sophist horror by Hansen vån Æiberg (Heiberg=von Äiberg)
We are a minority.

Protestants organization under, Lutherans lived tha same thing... Priests, "Why do not you confess, why do not you kiss the icons used to call them ... Then they woke up and saw protestants secretly emerged. The first works, was to be excommunicated!

We're the same situation.
CONFIDENTIAL're having a Protestant movement.

For example, the number of members is 485 or something even comes to me MORE THAN MOST, frankly I do not want it! But no one in the heart of the lock can not hit that, we are all uncensored a Jury society. (Jurocratie) Or there with the Arabic Republic, democracy, something they air. Hellfire-Sharia theocracy across the air ...

Back, our ancestors Abraham made MECCA when he founded the order (Order) remains.The world's MOST MOST MOST....... MOST arid, barren place going. Is located, not even water! And his first order along with Khanif are dry.
ZEKAT and WEMB, sharing scheme ... Everyone satiated. well as the world's most arid, cactus does not grow, even in place= Mecca. And there were people EQUALLY SATIATED! There was no poor. Poor did not! Instant "SYNC" poor ...

Abraham, our ancestors only had ambassadors. Was not a head or something. Sultan was not. Manager was not. Management was doing his community that J U R Y. This is what capitalism nor communism, nor puff republicanism not resemble anything. This is IbrahimISH, so much!
Our ancestors, SURA (the jury) he said, and it created. The first application of charity on earth, our ancestors Abraham. (Five-worship was also established and found himself.) Abraham was very privileged, our ancestors. He has friends from her so! 13 years of a child, put the food manufacturer and persecution suffered beatings from his father every day to Allah surely appreciated ... Can we do this, we were? (I could not have done, beaten every day because I could not believe my dad. 13 years old, let go?) (Moreover, I also have my father:)))

YES, EXCEPT ONE of Acts to the entire "Muslim" has been ORDERED to be. This exception was not RESUL people-friendly God as patriarch Abraham (ancestor of our nation)

Since then our ALLAH, subsequent to the prophets "Muslim + KHANIF" is to be recommended. The Messenger of Allah, including this! He (already a Muslim), BUT NECESSARILY (as Ancestor Abraham) KHANIF been ordered to be with.

Khanif not never know of, not written, not spoken,
first time you hear here.

For example, the disappearance of ridicule Islam in China, WAS NO.
This date we have ADD and DATA / info as took part.
(Such as Taiwan and Ümmül Qaiwain)

New flags in the account without a team, and even Indian / Eskimo specific regions. Greenland's independence ... Such as Aceh flags ... İnniut such as flags. Such as the blue flag antarctica previously unknown NO, because they are the result one OVERWRITE. (Just like WEMB flags)

I wrote arbitrary and WAS!

Hans Von AIBERG 

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