Exceeds the speed of light, the uncertainty principle (İndeterminizm) Heisenberg's uncertainty principle "p and delta variables" is limited to the speed of light are scattered. Of electrons, r = 2,7 the value of the diameter, r = 0, so intrinsic (abstract, imaginary) is. At the same time the electrons which time, what speed, and where regarding the uncertainties is lifted certain variation / specificity, so determinism occurs.
Time is running for vice versa, tomorrow, and we know our yesterday. (Determine appreciate it.) But the speed of light for the small universe, the God of the universe, the secret of control, due to uncertainty indeterminizm policy, what will happen to us tomorrow, in unseen, and is not known. Unseen, the things one by one post, counting the absolute magnitude of the SUPREME (Determined as the fate ıtlak, ISMI ALA, = EL EVVELI) in the hands. (See the first verse sure ALA) Allah that shortens life. (Kehf sure, a child is killed by Khidr)
Will extend the life of some. (in Qur'an, Dehr = Khidr, Jesus, Zulkarneyn, Lokman, Uzeyr also Zulkifl = Ezekiel, with Idris = Enouch, etc. Jump because the details in detail about the release. Place comes, and from there fired is not the, all in order to respond do.)
My goal is to create BRAIN storm for all brain, not to light in brain channels. They will not find in WEB at first, and only written thesis beyond the doctrine in nature. I would tell them with all humility. My goal is models that given in the Qur'an for ONLY AND ONLY SCHOLARS, (Ankebut-to 43th refer) TOWARDS YOU to the UPDATE.
The Qur'an itself, until doomsday, UPGRADE feature conditioned. Her knowledge of the era, the Koran 620s, until the Day of Resurrection will be UPDATE. "Allah will complete the light" verse and "What if you see it, a creation of Allah is on" verses will be manifested.
Necessary Aryan language speaking of Abraham, Hagar and his wife, who speak the language of Hami in the language of the Qur'an is, all the Indian as well as European languages (Arin languages / Aryamana) origin, which is a sanskrit.
Quran, " Arabic / Hami Service " grammar, the divine designed, vocabulary (three-letter rule) is a book which belongs entirely to the Aryan languages.
There are words you may come very familiar:
For example, in Tekvir sure ... as Hunnes and Künnes
These words, the Arabs have learned from the Koran. Rather never could find. (No time, these two words, because they do not speak)
Hunnes, Helenic Chaos (Disorder)
Kunnes, still Helenic Cosmos (Order) as ...
(Yin-Yang symbol)
Now note:
X (bold letters HI) and KEF (Q = thin Kappa letter) is one KEY.
Qitap>>> print that have been addressed, so that
Xitab>>> Greetings, that book is not written
Carn>>>> Cornos, corn
Xarn>>> Hornos, horn
Both horn, but the differences great.
So as kitap(book) and hitap(appeal), but far from close.
First, the flow of time. This tells you to forward flow.
Second, the time to stop, that timelessness of chaos
Xronos (chronos) is second, and the divine have been put into customized myths.
You search for the word Dehr in the Qur'an, you will find Chronos.
You're located in time, is called ASR.
If you have Two-time, KARNEYN it said.
İf you control all the time, DEHR it said.
A unit of time is called Dehr. There are laws called CPT symmetry. T = Time, four-way. Going forward, going backward, one forward one backward which continuously ossilasyon time, and a Dehr. Which will use it as you want, there is a time = Dehr, that its master is you .
The CPT symmetry, we know better? I'm talking about from time to time. But this CPT symmetric parity, and time multi-layer paths (t1, T2, T3 and T4 To) know you know I can get into.
An example follows. Transverse to travel in space. (Time latitude) For example, two cities of Mecca and Jerusalem are normally carried out in space you / do you go by car.
There are a paranormal: You'll stop. Space walks. So the carpet under your feet walking in the direction of Mecca-Jerusalem. THIS "SPACE WALK" is called.
Time is a dimension. (V-1 root in a virtual dimension, Minkowski length) at the same time, Kozirev's "AREA = Time latitude x tim longitude" formed an abstract universe formed by two long surface (km2/s2) according to the Sarfatti-Eiberg postulates that this is a three-dimensional. (Time sphere) that km cubes / second cube.
So when a three-dimensional space, but itself is VIRTUAL. In this space one way or another if we are walking and / or space walk us if we walk in the same manner the globe are time-and / or when we are walking. The Messenger of Allah did not go to Masjid Aqsa. Masjid Aqsa walked to him.
This third type of experiment Dehr time, Khidr has a special authority. Time to think like a WHEEL. Or like the roulette table. Ball turns around, and the desired number / divide falls.
Khidr, time Dehr (CPT-4) type is entered. So when the sphere or circle, tangent. But is not it Zulkarneyn: the circle that cuts like a BEAM "TWO TIME". That is the one BEFORE and one AFTER, TWO-TIME = KARNEYN CPT-3 type. Not from each POINT as Khidr. Not tangent. Only TWO POINTS, = BEAM is entering from.
Beams through the Qur'an is called the Great Wall. Wall Zulkarneyn. CPT-2 impulsive. Oscillationic. Electric current draft, such as that network, AC is an advanced reverse flows. Only this time, the type of neutrinos fit. Than any other particle in the universe can not follow it. Neutrinos, searching but not finding ESIR (Ether) is in itself. Are completely ghost. When a forward, and then properly, a reverse flow.
Neutrinos and anti neutrinos, I think, as time does not flow opposite to each other, one forward and one does not go back. Both, THE NEXT-THE BACK mites. Go straight until, ANTI neutrino, also returns, the neutrino is at. So the next time an anti-neutrino running, and the rest would be converted into the more because this time the neutrino. Then again, such as alternating current flows forward in time again, and then flows back again, and this is very regular. Therefore neutrinos famous "ESIR" the likelihood that, Louis de Broglie, he sees 100%.
Neutrinos than a place we know: the devil, such as gin (minus and plus electron and positron not installed, no load is acting as an electron), the neutrino THE WIND (is SCIENTIFIC NAME) is DIAGNOSIS. Neutrinos are the ghost completely, do not interact with matter. World, or space, a long pass from inside, beyond interests. Article treats them transparent.
Single interaction with matter is:
Neutrino wind = anxiety. Satan is also a forward, is aging. (Such as Antinötrino.) Live to die Then came, on a regular basis, this time from the future to the past is flowing, and the young becomes. Satan makes immortal till kingdom come. Because they wanted revenge on the man, and he went like such a time is given ALTERNATIVE CURRENTS. Thus the devil, between the two extremes, such as AC-go, while the elves and humans is DC (Direct Current, rectifier) type in the non-oscillation time, always ahead (or always back) expenses.
Called super-space in the upper space (Wheeler-Feinberg-Sarfatti-Aiberg space) to the heavens that one out there, the whole of the universe all creation (Overall, Globular, Olobal) and Real (Reel) is seen as. You may install and use and re-take it from there. This space is in secret Khidr again.
Of demon, the throne of Belkis Dancing Queen, "You from one's seat" will bring, they said. Light speed, 7 and a half times per second, travels the world. (The road between the Palestine and Sebe is shorter.) But Khidr, something else has suggested.
> 38 Suleyman: "O community! Me before the surrender, which you can bring it next to the queen's throne?" said. 27/39. Gin one demon: "You'll bring him over to you before you left, do I have against it a reliable power," he said
"Without blinking your eyes would instantly ready, Sebe Melike the throne," he said. Khidr, two tick-tock (the shortest period of time) the eternal search froze.
> 40 Someone with knowledge of the book: "Your eyes open and caught me before I'll bring it to you," he said. Solomon, throne placed on the side, he said: "This is not going to thank mü mü ingratitude going to test me that he is from the bounty of my Lord. Grateful, but he had to be thankful, but who may know ingratitude müstağni is my Lord, is Bountiful," he said.
I mean everything, "Stop" will play the game, as if the universe had BLOCK. Demon, which is the world DOWN Misal propose to use geon technology; Khidr, Up Misal world, everything "Bust the SHAPED SCULPTURE AS FOUND of the" static been Sarfatti-Aiberg space. (Or the same sense, space has come to him.)
Dancing Queen's throne there, and REAL as a whole, was READY TO FIND. Block also was stiff from space, he brought the throne. (Bring left does take time, even.) Timeless throne in space, people without blinking his eyes appear THERE was.
Father Christmas for the TIME (Dehr) the following: "TIME, DURING Santa Claus walks." Santa Claus as if a scorpion FIXED / Shearwater. Not returning pointer; HOURS hard, scorpion / minute hand turns around. Visualize such a thing Do you mind?
Oddly enough, the Messenger to use the money once Mir'ac route, KHIDR grandfather, has made there way to develop the course. On the Beach, assign or cord round the neck, such a thing.
Then again, Let's go to the SUPER space. That, in DOWN MODEL WORLD. (That other name) Why down? Because "for Model, DOWNLOAD been." from Where. There. To Where. To DOWN. And now, a thing which is below, there is also UP. Up model world. How is this place? PREVIOUS REVERSE the dynamic, not STATIC. Everything is stable. Why static?
Because, in super space = Down model world, LIGHT SPEED>>>> C was essential. But in Up Model World, ZERO DEGREES KELVIN is essential.
EVERYTHING including the time, was frozen. Everything is a statue, a bust in the state. Are in a condition called BLOCK TIME. I have got my = you get there. And freeze. That sure as in the Cave, "see them, did you flee in terror" according to verse, I there, I have a BUST. You and everyone. And are frozen. So are static. Dynamic nothing.
> Crystal is the same thing?
Yes you crystal, or not Quant, globular, that are universal. Quantlar numerous particles. SINGLE PARTICLE but there you are, and do everything with a single particle. That everything SPIRIT (+es) such as ONE PIECE, but I know there are those statues mine, I eat at this viscous holographic Watermelon yours, but you'll UNITED, can not be broken.
The same hardness of diamond polishing with diamond cotton've never not harm. There is a letter, but you can not tear, or change. Here Khidr, in block time (Ed Dehr) can see anything like that.
Allah wills-wish-it is always there, broken throne and makes Solomon's palace, assembly, and hyper-called block time from space to space DYNAMICS super hologram is transferred. He enters our universe. Throne becomes dynamic, and have a dynamic image takes the throne.
Oddly enough is called up, but HYPER space, ie DOWN stays. In up to 70 cm below the earth TIME FROZEN, heat energy that is zero itself frosty, frosty FROZEN everything. But it is not PARTICLE, black hole can not be also.
There does not particles, are of universal. (Of integration is not universal, there is no components, and the combination is not a ball of particles.) Universal as a reprimand, the second part is no more. You could tell?
Up model worlds (Hyper Space) position is: E = m
Energy has been frozen, the ONE SINGLE article (Pan) format (Format) has. Matter and energy, occurs by quants. This is because, 'c square' is called the additional functions. But when you get up C2, E = m is. Subject is heavy, you can download more simplistic. ??
If the energy (quants) would be in the form, would collapse into black hole. But the energy, called zero kelvin in the region, SINGLE Quant (Block space – block time) are in a state. PARTICLE In the absence, of course not see the black hole in the case of Resurrection.
So there are the format and style, PERMANENT, eternal, maintenance is. However, if we are in quant, and will AGING, we dezentegre and decay. We die. In this matter clear? Subject heavy not run away, want to ask, ask until you are Mutmain.
> Elif points, one thing is universal?
Of universal thing
Elif point, this is a SUPERIOR.
This is also one of the above, there is ELIF TIME ELIF.
And on it, this is the i +1', Vahid and EHAD which is GOD.
Everything dies, Vahid which remains.
> Here's my mind does not already endless possibility + 1, very large, and limits of the mind. God grant us the limit already, so far, right?
Thinking: 'You 1, 2, 3, ..... dont go to infinity.
Beyond infinity, go BACK. (Countdown)
Brilliant. I understand very well (such as whole to come?)
At that time, our speed of light (C) and absolute cold (zero degrees Kelvin) between LIMITED, stuck, you see we're living in a place like prison. Beyond the impossible, POSSIBLE thing you see. Here are difficult, IMPOSSIBLE is to switch to the BEYOND. This is also the name of the other, you know: ????????
By processing paranorms, not norms or normalities,
us already, I did not spend beyond infinity?
Beyond the impossible (such as the Singularity) is possible through one (of normal) did not describe?
I will say something more than a systematic Vefk:
That is the other name, WHOLE-gram, or KULLISEY'IN. The human factor, called Holy-Gram, a hologram formation. So PAN-MATTER, or METAMORPHUS called, fill in the form of hologram viscous phenomena, is the answer to your question. You're asking for very high levels, but the subject in this way, as a SUMMARY of the Summary, I would describe.
> "We have the Qur'an and the wisdom in" the verses are. What is the wisdom here?
PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Single response, this PHYSICAL SCIENCE, and one other name of this law also, SUNNETULLAH. So to the laws of physics to WATCH. Judge-Referee and the Hakk Allah and wisdom to the community, SUNNETULLAH call.
Given to Abraham with wisdom:
Supplied to Solomon:
To the exhibit demon science, speech science of the biosphere with all living things, in order to give wind and wind science, diving science.
David for
Armor science,
For Yunus
submarine technique, etc.. finish time is limited, but we can not say that.
PHYSICS is ALL. Wise was given earlier. For example, Noah (transatlantic-yard science) Tennuri (reactor) science, etc. If you look at scientific Hikmet, dictionaries, the money she writes Physic, physics or ... Fairy tales have to do with the HADITH, paraphysics and physics!
Khidr said: "The earliest I'll bring the throne of Belkis!
Is true: Because the speed demon in one second can make a maximum of 300 thousand km. Khidr has his DEHR. That is the way to get demon seconds of 1080, in DEHR time, he take it in only one moment. Let's say: While the demon bring the throne, Hidr brings 1080 times or 1080 thrones. I could tell ?????
Here Khidr, in block time. That was "Dabbet ul Dehr". Good at seeing an object, a single sheet can not even touched and changed, Khidr tore Throne and how to convey? Two-stage question.
First is simple: How to transfer? With a space walk. So if you removed 70 cm above, SPACE come to you. Then Khidr was transported with Throne SPACE WALKING. However, demon, Sebe country would go to, contrary Khidr, Sebe has brought its own.
Now the actual question is: how does a good break from what? So the throne and KULLISEY a whole, and therefore does not track. Is not broken, but everything can be COLLECTIVELY. Well how tore Khidr Throne?
Called super-space in the upper space (Wheeler-Feinberg-Sarfatti-Aiberg space), there it a "single sky" to the universe of all creation, whole (Overall, Globular, Olobal) and Real (Reel) is seen as. You may install and use and re-take it from there. This space is in secret Khidr again. Of demon, "Dancing Queen" Belkis's throne, "You, from one's seat" they'll bring. Light speed, 7 and a half times per second, travels the world. The road between the Palestine and Sebe, is shorter.
But Khidr, has suggested something else: "without blinking your eyes, would instantly ready, Sebe Melike the throne," he said. Khidr, two tick-tock (the shortest period of time) the eternal search froze. I mean everything, "Stop" will play the game, as if the universe had BLOCK. Demon, DOWN Misal world, so we propose to use technology while Geon; Khidr, Up Misal world, ie everything "Bust the AL TO THE PLACE LIKE the statue of the" static, the output Sarfatti-Aiberg space. (Or was it the same meaning as in the space.) Dancing Queen's throne, and REAL as a whole there was READY TO FIND. Block also was stiff from space, he brought the throne. (brought the mean, even if takes a long time.) Timeless throne in space, people without blinking his eyes, appears THERE was.
Demon of the time, "Zemherir called in the absolute cold, is PREVENT. But Khidr is not so. It does not slow down any natural event. More if you write verse, called Khidr's Dehr time, will never slow down, and was fast from the demon, you'll see. Please Neml 40;
<> 27/40. Self said by someone with knowledge from books: "I, (eyes open and grab before) I can bring it to you." Then (Solomon), stands next to her own condition when seen in said: "This phase my Lord, praise Him, I will, otherwise it will reject me, I am he that is called for (this extraordinary event took place). Kim grateful if, now that he was thankful for, If ingratitude who truly my Lord is Gani (nothing and no one needs).
Khidr's, brought him how that mechanism there, I will explain.
In fact, everything in the sight of ALLAH, Euclid (Eukleides) is the space. There is a floor (width x height or xy square meters), from a steep it a HEIGHT size (Z, Hu, Sultan power, etc.) are. That floor is the universe is flat, such as BOX. A given point, only one PARALLEL is drawn.
This too is evidence of:
For example, ARS. (This drawing was given in my drawing Cifir.)
Example Kürsi (Chair); fully in the form of a TRIBUNE. Which is xy on LEVHI MAHFUZ. But he is like a TABLE. (Z is the height dimension.)
Xyz means that trio, is divided into two main items:
1. xy the SOIL / Apocalypse square or Aktarıssemavat
2. The PROP Z (Sultan power).
Z => Hu / huve size, we had examined (indillahi). the xy SQUARE / Mirror surface models as well, we had reviewed. This is the second in the two-dimensional, but in the form of DOUGH, there is a floor, circle-shaped. You know the circle, in any case DIAMETER (or radius and) is. But the x and y, as well as TWO LAYER, represents. Bottom layer (gross Esfeli safilin>>> The following is the most down), ARZ-down / in-depth meaning, is the region called DABBE. Here, the Tomb of the Apocalypse bulk, you might say. Re-created all living things will be THERE. As if this place is a resurrection ranch. This is just above the tomb thick DABBET ARZ, "Apocalypse Square" is located. This is also one of the above two meters, "TARIQ SEMA" is located.
But despite this false thickness, depth, Z => 3th dimension, is not. Height is not. That aktarıssemavat. Actual height (Rahman-33th), namely Euclidean Z dimension (Sultan power), is UP. "Energy (gin) and substance (human, etc.) all living things, are the images that MIRROR trapped in, and images can not leave the mirror," I said. Out for, SULTAN power was needed,-remember-. He is VERTICAL Euclidean space.
Res, Kürsi, Levh, Sidre, Heaven, etc., are always SURFACE layer. Base facing upwards, the height dimension is emerging. However, the Apocalypse occurs in the xy, UFFUN requirement, "is blowing", a "Balloon UNIVERSE" stands out as our opposite. This universe, Riemann and Lobatçevski (short Gaussian space) that we know. What happens if the weather is off the prom? Re-location (Arz) and Sky (Sema) are END, Square is >>>>>> Apocalypse.
Verse also says: "the heavens and was adjacent, we have reserved them, do not see?" (Fetekna>>> Tariq and between Dabbet, the UNIVERSE INFLATABLE to fill (with four-dimensional space-time) means to fill.)
Demon says: "You better place without your verification, Sebe melike to the throne, I'll bring." Demon, when going forward, could do that, is faster, but the time is read NEXT. However, Khidr, can reverse the time arrow (this is Dehr), and as many times as he want. For example, say that the demon was born again before he can go to his back.
Are demon (ephrates / fırat daemons) is a collection of daemons slowest going. Therefore, abnormal lengths long (huge) appears. Because the speed of movement in the direction, objects need relavity lengths shorter.
Khidr, Dehr called, ALLAH calendar can also, is the master of a TIME. CPT symmetry in the T (time) is described with the letter. T is in many ways.
We know next time. Retrograde time. Go back to an advanced (Oscillationic devil time) Time in BEAM. (Yecuc Mecuc calendar.) Tangents in Time. (Kiramen Katibin with you TOGETHER. Own soul, = Self Consciousness with nested. You, FOREIGN space time, are four-dimensional. They are, in size 7 / tunnel is in enfusi time.)
Time beyond the tangential beams, a space has DIAMETER (Fourth hidden dimension, namely the two-dimensional surface in the universe, as the DIA, the third plane reserve time) and on top of them, called Dehr a GOD time ...
Khidr is a LORD of this TIME.
What we, as well as forward or backward, what the devil, as a back an forth, he does not go.
Block time, he will control everything,
Each time period, it was named in the order.
HYPER time between the impulses of space (Up Misal world) in us, such as the Cave Friends freeze, unable to move, and there's the presence of the statues or busts of the static and that there is not quantum physics, a block of the universe as a whole in one piece and that we see. So in a place, me, you, he, tables, chairs, flying birds and wind, as A SINGLE PIECE, are standing adjacent.
QUANTUM PHYSICS, is not in Hyperspace. Because the universe, as in Hilbert space, is a full ONE. (I'm just talking about our universe. This dynamic angels, etc.., Does not care.) Such time, called Dehr. (Verses related Dehr Remember. please.)
> 45/24 They said: "Currently our life, not someone else.'re Dead, we rise. Does not destroy us another time." They do not have any information on this subject. Are found only in thought.
> 76 / 1 People over something not yet mentioned a while time has not passed?
Thanks, and please give me the Arabic verses with the Dehr.
> 76/1. Hel eta alel'insani hyynüm mined dehri lem yekun şey'en mezkura.
(Dehr is sworn to.)
Please read three times in two verses above, and have a little contemplation. Will continue.
> 1. Hel eta alel'insani hyynüm mined dehri lem yekun şey'en mezkura.
dehri lem yekun şey'en mezkura.
For Dehr, a example from World:
Demon also says: "The Queen (Belkis) the throne, before you confirm your place, we'll bring ....."
But they are limited to a TIME. A servant uses Dehr, what does he say? (Verse please)
> 27/40 before a science book is self contained: I said: no qualms about it before you bring, saying he saw the next stops: at the rabbımın phase, he said: Is it me, thank god for trial that will be? Or do küfran? Whoever would be grateful if in favor of pure self, is no doubt that whoever is found küfran in rabbım, is gani, Kerime.
27/40 Dehr, >>>>>> they do not have any information on this subject. Are found only in thought. Opposite.
> 45/24 They said: "Currently our life, not someone else.'re Dead, we rise. Does not destroy us another time." They do not have any information on this subject. Are found only in thought.
Position of this demon. But the owner DEHR, blocks of time to enter. Everyone at that moment there dead. (And they have frozen.) Dynamics from space (Super space = Lower model world) brings throne. The universe expanded at a more PULS, the throne, there are ready. Jinn, going at a speed close to light speed, while trust, DEHR owner, has used TIME BLOCK between the two pulses. (Even the winks, the next billion years remains.)
The knowledge before a self kitabdan said: I said: I'll bring it before you bat an eyelid, when you say when you see him standing next to
The knowledge before a self kitabdan said: I said: I'll bring it before you bat an eyelid, when you say when you see him standing next to
The knowledge before a self kitabdan said: I said: I'll bring it before you bat an eyelid, when you say when you see him standing next to
For this, our first beginning, Hızır grandfather was also TIME LORD. I said.
(Lord of the Blocked time)
Now let's enter DEHR. As I said, all contiguous, adjacent to the supply from the feet, all feet adjoining, adjacent air molecules. Quantum No, everything is in one piece. (self-block / solid, monoblock a whole)
This Dehr district, the only time of the master, and two-time can enter. With a very big difference KARNEYNs and the master of DEHR. One KARNEYN, block enters into space. (Tariq reasons), but everything, almost to the hardness of diamond is forever solid. So the wings of a dove to break a pinna, is not POSSIBLE, it is BLOK, is adjacent, is one thing. Now, in what has become universal and THINGs (and quantlar) is NO. Planck's constant is the universe on the back.
For example, one from you, there are dead-BLOCK. I want to give you a loss. For example, I want to get something in your pocket-unexpectedly-but I can not get: Because all the energy of the universe, even if you a micron (one-thousandths of mm) does not even play. Kataleptic is a universe.
To you, of two-stroke KARNEYN (s), can not do anything. No one can touch you, and you've preserved. Karn the case for this. For Dehr (CPT-iv single time period) you can be hurt. The people who will do this, a great knowledge and (-it's very important) will not misuse the knowledge, you will not harm a RAHMET have been. Khidr related, Cave and the above verses, verses of knowledge and mercy, please)
> 18/65 There, they found a servant so that our servants, we gave him a mercy from our times, a blessing we had taught knowledge.
We gave him a mercy from our floor
We gave him a mercy from our floor
We gave him a mercy from our floor
Also the above verse, please
> 27/40 before a science book is self contained: I said: no qualms about it before you bring, derken saw her next stops: at the rabbımın phase, he said: Is it me, thank god for trial that will be? Or do küfran? In favor of their own will just be grateful if whoever, whoever is found in the küfran, no doubt about that, is rabbım gani, Kerime.
Here, knowledge of written qualifications, but were not talking about mercy. Because something does not belong to yourself "is unawares" Melike's throne .... How has self-forgive Well?
How has RAHMET happened? This is the secret of Solomon's letter by writing:
The first sentence of the letter to Khidr, the rest of the prophet Solomon sentences are dictated. (Solomon's letter, please)
> Neml 30.31 "came from Solomon. This, " Bismillahirrahmanirrahim "he began and in the` Do not arrogant against me, point me to surrender 'is called. "
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim he began
well RAHMET! Do you feel this?
RAHMET feature from the outset; FAITH feature is then applied Khidr. Therefore, given to it, RAHMET and FAITH, is an individual in verse ... Mercy and knowledge, why only two stands side by side, and the Pact as ambassador to the FIRST TWO VASIF. Seems right? To make the definition of mercy, please give me Tevbe sure the last verse?
> 9 / 128 of you that you have such a messenger came to him to undergo severe revenue shortage; you addicted, those who believe that compassionate, Merciful.
> 9 / 129 If they unsusceptible in: I will raise him is no god except Allah, and I him, and I have been based on it, it is of great Arşın
The Arabic Please
> 128. Le kad caeküm rasulüm min enfüsiküm azızün aleyhi ma anittüm harısun aleyküm bil mü'minıne raufür rahıym
> 129. Fe in tevellev fe kul hasbiyallahü la ilahe illa hu aleyhi tevekkeltü ve hüve rabbül arşil azıym
raufür rahıym
raufür rahıym
raufür rahıym
Er Ra'uf (shelf, altitude remember from here) and Er Rahiym (Please remember from Compassion)
Our master of science did not take title, but the Mercy of coronations, when riding RAFRAF (also called Refref, Rauf related) took. (Please Refref related data) (Burak and Refref)
> 19/57. Ve rafa'nahü mekanen aliyya
> 19/57 I upgraded to a noble place.
(Data not see Verse: Burak a passenger animal; Refref the cushion she goes)
> 55/76Muttekiiyne ala rafrafin hudriv ve abkariyyin hisan
> 55/76 on green cushions, lie on the mattress next to unique.
Yes, this is one
(Our Lord to Miraç while, two were vehicle riding, first Burağ, the other Refref)
Now tell Refref:
Down (dynamic) and above (static) model world (Super and Hyper spaces) are among a BREAK. (cracks) in Sub-bodies and goods, at any time format, and at the same time decay, are state and can not be caught. So is dominated by quantum uncertainty.
But between the two (two RAF) a transfer is possible: Here is one (eg me) I was born until my death, my picture will not be recognized all know that it is still overlap. Because the dynamic behavior conditioned. (Super space-quantum foam and tunnels)
Dehr is this: there is a recognition Shaft, and to bring it up. (RAF RAF to move) Dehr-level person, the following restlessly wormhole (cornholes) to exceed the rate of formation, "Slow down, and then" would be seen. So none of us did not see it, can not see, on a stand-alone description of the TIMES, is also Dehr.
Throne will be there (Burak) and RAFRAF are described above, and then down again to the throne of this static (burak) goes, it just extends RELATED worm hole, and passes through to swallow, and at the end akdelikten, immediately to the universe (the world to the address) is given. Throne would be found there.
Khidr is the prayer, HEARING, but I've never seen. PEOPLE OF CAVE, 309 years, were lying, and his age also had a prayer. Sleep before and after sleep, two prayer, 309 per year, have had a prayer time. Jesus is a prophet has ordered the prayers. 2000-odd years, you keep going development (within the meaning of two days), two day, six have prayer time. But the search goes to the two thousand years. Dehr time, 7200 years and will continue for 400 years plus. A day in the sight of Allah, the angels, rising 50 thousand years, the angels to prostrate themselves, I wonder WHICH USE THE SCHEDULE do? Once again I wonder WHY pray no resurrection! We will live for ever in hell and heaven-apocalyptic and does not PRAYER, BECAUSE Dehr calendar is available.
In eternal LIFE PRAYER BAN! (Only in the world because it has causality NAMAZ PHASE.) Tariq out of the sky, the infinite becomes a second and then "MOMENT" or, how and by what time prayers are?
Did you pay attention at that? Verse in the Qur'an are, however, "They next higher, prone, supine is also of Salat" he says.
Yunus 12: People touch a problem when lying next to, both sitting, should we pray is right. Itself resolve the problem as if he touched us for any distress that he did not beg from passing such costs regardless. Here is what they are doing such good ones that go over-income.
Prayer in DEHR, walk, backstroke, as well as extending above the ground is made. This is called CONTINUOUS PRAYER WEBSITE. But from the HAL, down to earth when the calendar Khidr, for example, with Moses and Joshua KNOW OUR TIMES prayers. Then return DEHR'e, that once again walk, backstroke, side above will continue to pray. CONTINUOUS PRAYER because of the time assumed that this is so. SPACE is constant because (length width height of the room without rhyme or reason does not shorten, not extension), but the same room, if A SPECIAL TIME (fourth the size effect) is lower, longer and shorter time. So, the person in ODA will pray according to OWN SCHEDULE. Other rooms will not mind. Because occurred SPECIAL TIME. Within a time when the fork is reserved. Already in the magnetic storm, you know the bright yellow sun and the sky is disconnected, and your cabin you are a green neon be like gold.
Magnetic storm captured pilots please keep in mind: "the sky became pale, and our sense of direction is lost, you already did not work any indication. Next I thought I was extreme, but when I moved the magnetic storm, completely up and go in the opposite direction, and I understand, I've corrected the route ..." says pilots. (Faces before I gave an example). Listeners are also adding a "storm lasted for a minute ... But the control tower says the opposite: we've lost in 42 minutes is the radar ".
In fact, I can give you volume. Corresponding to 1 second is 18 minutes late. Ten seconds is 3 hours late. This is TRUE calendar. Here, the ground station, the pilot also be wrong. Because RADAR WAVES, 3 hours instead of 42 min. shows. Radar waves also been arrested in the electromagnetic field, the calendar has changed. Instead of three hours 42 min. she looks.
Today hıdırellez symbolic day. In Web hadith, Khidr (Hıdır) and Ilyas he reported the meeting day.
And that inspired faith in the corpus of Hadith, Khidr then, meet MAKE prophet Elias. Elias's "the immortality herb" has found, and is immortal, yet in this corpus of Hadith and satellite, are invented. Elias and the prophets Elyesa two also are involved in this hadith. (This is a great wrong)
However, finding the secret of immortality, "Lukman / Lokman" he should be known. Elyesa Ilyas or not! Ilyas and both with death Elyesa have died. Continuing to say that they are alive, not dead at all of the other prophets have to say. (Because there is no Tafdil) already Lukman, Üzeyr (Ezra), Zülkifl (Ezekiel) are the special envoy. Üzeyr, He said, and plus Lokman'ın of Khidr as prophets in the Qur'an that are not included. Conversely they Karn and DEHR'i (CPT T phases) is controlled ones, "I understand the" for "plain" have been reported.
Khidr owned terminology, we know:
Turkish, Finnish and the common ancestor of Mongolian origin who comes from TURGUT of Japheth. I also get a rhyme (for a sudden glimpse) Korkut DADA (Dede Korkut) as he is known. DADA = ATA and ADAM and is sanskrit. (If you remember. Or Daddy in English, Turkish can explore with the grandfather. Certain men and assign / grandfather) (On the other hand YAHYA and Idris did not die of that, an authority be exalted, and that the Pact is the messenger, let's keep in mind.)
Roots in sanskrit language, a word that meets two already: HAY = alive, >>>>> YAHYA and this is the format that combined, HAY + Dehr = HAYDAR
Dehr, Khidr is the time of the privileged, and harmony of Allah to us as time DEHR'i only HIDHIR (providentially, Hıdır) and has shared. (Allah'ımızın Scholars, such as Mucid to share their names, not a circus, sharing that reflects us.) Halil = Absolute alone until a single-friendly means. Allah, the absolute loneliness, has shared with Abraham. Likewise, a special time to try Dehr, ONLY and ONLY, has shared with Khidr. There is no opponent, just as in Haliluürrahman words. Gabriel can not even see the Levhi Mahfouz, his vahy times (Sidre) eat downloading, Hıdır, the Unseen is not protected Levhi / radiation to the secret (mystery) is muttali.
Khidr (Khıdhr) is a nickname, divine nickname is a name.
Words in Sanskrit origin, two are synonymous words.
1. Ready (June, = Hızır Month / to be prepared. Hazirun, = those present at a council, etc..)
2. Dehr (such as ZulKARNeyn) Dehr (Haydar) That a SPECIAL time, which means sharing time with God calendars. In this way, providentially Dehr, three divine universe called LEVH and NEFH layer, "Visa". Because the mercy of Allah while, Science "Three times dark, go to the" received.
YAHYA, is still a name like Dehr of allah. Dehr may be dead (no assets other than Allah at that moment, for example, after the Resurrection, or being created such as previous periods may not be available.) But Shaheed Allah, witnesses (witnesses) is expressed, ie when creating assets, HAY + Dehr name is required. (Sanskrit for HAYDAR, even when you say Hyderabad Abat = city)
This is a clone of:
1. It is also the thing,>>>>> dull, as >>>>> is. (Such as Atom)
2. UFF also (when the Spirit breathed his lifeless, and it is alive: Just as our body is composed of lifeless atoms is blowing in the Spirit of revival, etc.)
Like this:
1. Dehr>>> is not anything other than God's own time is. (Without-eternal, El Evvel / vel Muahhar, BAKİ / Beka, such as name and title)
2. Time to realize, but Shaheed Allah, Sahid (assets) is created, we will muttali, we'll understand.
HAY called concept, but not, never Dehr incomprehensible. Because an observer is not! Absolute "La ilahe nuts!" Status, is ongoing. (Continued, daim, always maintained their time and related concepts related to the phenomenon of Dehr.)
But who is not a good testimony (Shahada) will be?
HAY that is alive, or CREATE candidate to be the creatures! He is not "La ilahe nuts" to say the only witness / her to testify in the case that our Lord,>>>>> UNIQUE-ŞEHİD'dir. Dehr called Allah, a time and calendar HAYY (Diri) happen again, it is functional (it does its function.) Dehr for that "is a special time of ALLAH", in the middle servant / witness / entity is not. HU is not going to say to a person!
I repeat once again:
Theology from the Kun + ruh, uffun least, not alive HUN, lifeless (nothing as the Kulliseyin*) remains.
Dehr called Allah in time, HAY (at) creates an entity is not found, stays without witnesses, that God can not bring reprisals. (You never, full ignorant Saidi Nursi and Gülen black ignorant of caliphs, Kutlu point, to Aczmendi people bragging, do not popular. These are my life I have seen the biggest liar, and an alternative to the Qur'an, and also written against the Koran, such as a new, trying to fit corpus are kurdistan militants. Her light pressure, but also to disrupt Turkey's unitary relevance employee, a traitor, the British-backed yudaik Kurdo GOYIM (talking animals) state, is a militant Kurds, we remember NEVER !!!!!!!)
Let's take a look at John the Baptist:
Mother's houri, (from the ribs) similarities with the birth of each, as if he is Jesus. Is immortal, yet did not die>>>> Just like Idris and Khidr ... (Thirds Council)
Khidr's (Dehr owner) that the Pact envoy:
a) to Khidr killed by the Antichrist
"AUXILIARY Sahid, is the assistant Misak prophet)
b) Khidr's murder
Original treaty ambassador, will be.
That treaty is gradually TWO envoy. (I understand very well here, because, in some e-mail me about treaty ambassador is said that I contradict myself ;))))))))
Misak Ambassadors, in this case are two:
HAYY (Yahya: moniker is actually the name Kasim / quazeem) and the Dehr (Khidr: Nickname is)
Yahya + Dehr both>>>> Haydar is ... So HAYDAHR !!!!!!! Hidirellez is no, but there is HAYDAR meeting. We also know folklore Turkey Kars region: Dede Korkut (Turkey Sunni in origin) Hayder Baba (Shiite origin in Turkey, for example, in Azeri) Both denominations are passed to the literature. (Dede Korkut stories and poems Heyder Baba. This is also investigating a second here, Dede Korkut and Haydar Baba, are the same person.)
HAZIRUN(JUNE) half of the year, KASIM (NOVEMBER) is also half. I wonder why ???????
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