"No soul would I be a spy on the (Khidr) get to be" (Tan suresi)

Vahy from Allah to Levhi Mahfouz, from there to Sidretül Münteha (to Gabriel) and then to the sky world (The Night of the landing place, here is the webmaster of angel Mikail) and then goes to RESUL ...

Khidr's location, it is Levhi Mahfouz, the originals of ALL BOOKS, the witnesses are known. Gabriel can not go there. Gabriel took him from Levhi Mahfouz, to our Messenger of Allah, in provides.

Khidr, the prayers to all of the Levhi Mahfouz, the operator is. Changing the function to fulfill the destiny that is. (Change of fate is also FATE, it's not forget.) (Fate is fate the last form.)

> 14 Him real prayer. He stopped outside and they begged the answer to anything they can not. If they come to get water in your mouth if he is like two hands that opens, it does not come to him. The prayer of disbelievers is always in error.

Your fate is currently written, could CHANGE at any time. If you want kid, he comes. If you want, kid maybe better in your hand "NOT BETTER" son dies; better son instead of income. (What better what is worse, not even the servants.) In this way, your DESTINY changes.

Levhi Mahfouz, infinity times infinity times infinity number of the smallest particles of the universe until all that everything is written without exception, infinity times infinity times infinity and was in the Koran, is MAIN BOOK'S name.

Allah, such a book is mentioned, without martyrs ... For him to collect the complete set of Acts, and the treaty took them.

Misak prophet, two were:

1. Mortal categories, KHIDR

2. From immortal category, YAHYA

Khidr, until his death, as Misak ambassadors, assume this task. Martyred by the Antichrist after the Khidr, YAHYA prophet, the Levhi Mahfouz's treaty.

Levhi Mahfouz's witness (now, not John, but the future will take over the task) is Khidr! Khidr is the prophet of prophets. (We understand this verse in the words Acts Pact.) But the prophet is not nominal. However, Yahya and Idris (both are immortal), but was registered in the prophetic. The prophet is the prophet of Khidr. (Nevertheless, a messenger, from another, is not never over.)

Someone else apart from Khidr, the LEVHİ protected, did not see! Yahya did not see it yet, and even Gabriel da. But a EYEWITNESS, absolutely necessary ... Requires a treaty ...

Khidr, Gabriel's is prohibited on the Sidre, he can go. The bottom of the bench, only Zez-zag Res layer (base is) he can read LIGHTING section. It is a means, for instance, to come and open a hole in the ship, killing a child, corrects a wall, etc.. They are written in LEVHI mahfouz, and those who shine in the dark (that is shown to Khidr, read) are part of.

Khidr, Levhi Mahfouz's only witness, and is studying. 350 years later, in the future until he died, the task will YAHYA, and he will SEE. (He never saw before.)

Please enter good deed by writing verse. This verse is so important because the prostrate ...

> 3 / 81 - God of the prophets that had been said: "Surely you book and wisdom, I gave, then you have on hand (books) I, confirming a prophet came to him and certainly believe will help him! I've accepted you? In this matter and heavy on you my covenant Did you receive? " he said. They say: "We have accepted," he added. (Allah) said: "Then the witness, I have witnessed with you".

Please read them carefully.

All the prophets (elves, humans and angels) 228 thousand prophets ... Our Lord will gather them all ... The Messenger of Allah, including this. Because the Messenger took the inscriptions and WISDOM. That is also the sire in 228 thousand ...

But in one of the above-UPPER: His name is the messenger Pact.

Verifier and a messenger came to believe it certainly will help him! Allah, be WITNESSES, he said. Who? Pact to ambassadors! And Allah has witnessed.

Please read them carefully.

Allah for martyrdom OWN, except KHIDR, was appointed a messenger to all the other prophets. Her "living like God in the sense YAHYA" he said. Khidr's mission is done, the floor (in Levh) YAHYA prophet UNINTERRUPTED mission will continue. Yahya and Jesus (Also of course, Zechariah and Mary's) had told their tale, right? This rectangle is very important. These HOURI (Imran) family. ARE a prophet separate category. Yahya for this, did not receive BOOKS.

> 33 - Really Allah, then Adam, Noah, Abraham family and the family of Imran, on the Worlds, chose.

But the promise was to be witnessed HOME BOOKS-all books that are downloaded from Levhi Mahfouz. Yahya also in a sense 'Books book' which will read a Rasul. He did not in the book, but all the books in the area is witnessing. Also on behalf of Allah, the Ministry has received a witness.

1. Levh'in one reads the>>> KHIDR>>> BUT mortal>>>> space lest
2. YAHYA (no evergreen, always alive)

Can go back and forth in time as a barometer Hızır! Zig-Zag are also drawn. So Throne can use zeg-Zag section. This section of the Throne's 7 layers of the Worlds (Hyper Space, etc..) Is the sole minister. There, a giant "matrix" in (Vefk cube) name Levh-i Mahfouz. Khidr only about our universe (of radiation) into sections that are blocks of time. If, for example when you enter there in age killed in the cradle, or Moses and the age of invention, is falling directly.

That's it ', space-time gate (Corn Hole) has served as a tunnel. (11-dimensional membrane veins / arteries such as the quantum universe are rounded tunnel) there Hızır DIRECT / are entered as direct. In other words, an illuminated door inside Levhi Mahfouz, he then stands out from the tip of the RESULTS. This is called space-time march. EYEWITNESS the only Levhi Mahfouz RESUL'dür o. .. Levh-i Mahfouz, as soon as you enter (other than this, Khidr, so far never failed.) (Gabriel, even there, he never saw it.) Automatically Levh-i Mahfouz, Nefhi Sur (Corn Hole) is a blow. From there, the space-time in the world selected the "RESULT end" will take you away. In this time and forward (Zig) and back in time (Zag) as can be made.

Moses, because of Khidr, "the past and future" had time round! For example, in the FUTURE, an SEA would pass, knew. To find that place, then called Khidr. (Where a sign of the fish was alive, there was half the rocks from the sea.)

Moses was the killer and was not! (Do not tell Joshua's story again.) Moses at the same time, he was left with a basket on the Nile river, knew it, (saw). Allah for Moses, made important privileges. In the book, his name is the most last prophet. That was 27 times aberrations.

Tuva in the valley, mountains in the Tour, while Tabutussekine, the sea is being split, and saw himself in the river Nile. Getting to see the murder itself, has been cleared of murder, killing people is itself also saw a young fellow.

God, first, in the Nile then showed him Khidr. Direct Khidr, brought the revelation. Allah, in Tabutussekine, Hızır to"take my revelation of Moses to his mother, his sister also took," said command.

SHEET As of Levhi Mahfouz, this revelation, Moses's real mother and sister of Moses READ: He says the panel with the power and the God was downloaded from levhi reserved. But the revelation which has brought not Gabriel; HIZIR respectively. Took on the role of a kind angel of revelation, Hızır grandfather ...

Khidr, Gabriel's never seen, can not go, he can read the levhi Reserved. (Because the Pact is a prophet, and this is normal.) Gabriel, Misak witness, no; Levhi Mahfouz would have to see. From Sidre up, can not go, then Allah in this regard Khidr as Rasul of Misak, appointed. Khidr had thus witnesses, and the Pact, it has been constructed on the testimony.

Thus Allah, man's, is superior to the angels, have had a better registered. Other than Allah. Only KHIDR, with his eyes on the Levhi Mahfouz is the only witness. But after his death, YAHYA will also see him. So far, the only on Levhi Mahfouz is certain that the slave KHIDR. This privilege of angels as messengers, to Gabriel even not given. Therefore, the Caliph called HUMAN, is SUPERIOR. FROM ANGEL (of course, the elves)!

> Moses own mother, the ordinary person, you say. Ordinary people, like to have revelation, Allah?

What is important is the status of the mother. Mary, the mother, but not ordinary, ANGEL CLAIMING comes, and does provide PREGNANCY! And Mary also PROPHET. (Because God's word which Jesus brings = Kelamullah.) But Moses' mother, even the names are not normally found in the relationship, and one normal children were born.

Hızır brings revelation here. (Gabriel revelation would be, automatically would be messengers.) Zulkarneyn of the revelation, angels, or with Khidr, was not sent, we know, God's revelation of many kinds of ways.

> Result I could not understand because of her appeal.

Khidr's thanks are addressed. For example, our Lord, the Cave sure, Gabriel did not bring. Would rise because the conflict. Khidr, who with Moses, and even the dialogue with the Zulkarneyn himself face to face did you? For example, did not say: "I killed that guy because .." "That ship, I got a hole, because .." As ... Be careful here, do not need to Gabriel, because, Khidr himself, then producer of events and dialogue boxes, talk Viewer ...

> Abese sure, was given directly by God.

Yes, Allah, is not incapable of direct revelation showed. Allah, even Moses' revelation by writing (Tablet with handwriting by writing to the fire) was sent. As I said, Revelation does not end types.

Allah has commanded us to BELIEVE in the following hierarchy:

1. MESSAGE THAT GIVE >>>>>> (credo) GOD!
2. Courier WAVES>>> ANGELS.
4. MESSAGE RECEIVER of>>> messengers.

That this order comes revelation.

1. Transmitter
2. Carrier wave
3. Text
4. Receiver

Revelation mechanism that credo.

1. Microphone >>>>>> LEVHI Mahfouz!
2. Electromagnetic carrier waves, >>>>>>, ANGELS, or KHIDR, or ANOTHER revelation mechanism.
3. Revelation of the OWN (The Message)
4. Speaker (Prophets called messages from microphone), etc..

> Background revelation? bring? (If Khidr, or if Jibril, what will change?) The important thing is God's revelation, right? Vehicle, how it adds extra value?

Revelation (Talk, text) THIRD while! The SECOND SEQUENCE, is TAPE / CD is, so he does NOTHING PLIES, one moves! Transmitter Allah (in FIRST ITEM), the recipient Messenger (fourth position), this is such a mechanism here .. No Resul, go and get their inspiration from the mouth of God, and not bring. It's important for this order.


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