All thanks to genetic engineering of each other beautiful, no one is ugly! So you're not good to choose, ALL BEAUTIFUL! Well what I would choose then? Born and give a strange answer: I choose to Huy. Yes, a historic answer: character is predominant. What about our ancestors justified? ...

AGE is not the difference in the future, and naturally, as well as advanced medical interventions later with everyone is very beautiful and flawless and sometimes three generations of a certain age does not stand as three sister. (Nene, mother and daughter)

Future medical wonders. Men, women get, no one gram OIL! Obese, fat words had long since gone. (Only Jailand / WEMB outside countries and in countries such as PriZone they exist.)

Cleaning robots are super in Miranda.
Bones of a treasure, full of gleaming stripper bacteria are available. What else finds it after cleaning, ion is the psychological comfort which publishes a Kirlian frequency.

Tokamak in Miranda, largest artificial sun.
Miranda can not even keep the ice tonight. Already has no concept of night. When translated into Tokamak place, the mess is illuminated like the sun from May to June. There are always 25 C heat in the dome. Miranda is in fact ice planet (moon is) but SAKIB (Fusion) capable of heating the whole place. Because Shams, the sun does, but (very far from the sun Miranda'ya)

There is a WORD in the Qur'an: ZIYA
This does not mean the sun.
The light from the sun also means waste heat does.
Sanskrit JAYA.
(Zhaya => zh => J to read.)
Ziya>>> Tokamak there!

Shams sun but
Connected to the sun without
SUN function which
generator is the name of each ray photons and heat.

ZIYA generator with you when you take it 'is bathed in sunlight.

Miranda, a PRI-ZONE that JAİLLAND prison category (Jail => Prison) is a member. (Other EO and EUROPE.) So Free-Zone will commit every crime, then going back again WEMB! Crime and punishment are inseparable duo.

Go to re-adapt WEMB, Pri-ZONE going to work! Produced! World welfare is not only the world produces enough. Material in space is unlimited prosperity. I'm going to go? I have not committed a crime! Let produced guilty let him go, get sent.

Not only the world WEMB (Globlocampacter)
There are a lot more plastic than WEMB states. (Nylon or you might say.)
For example, Deserts, etc. poles. High mountains (especially Tibet)

These are all names:
On two key international and İntournational how WEMB that the 12 countries

BlocamPlastic states there:
İndusternational ones (from Industry)
İnterplanational (from Planet)
İnterestnational (from Interest)

There are outposts states:
As BlocamPLANETwork.
Colonies equal to the current world population!

(Date will recur in the future a Repeat.)
Here reported WEMB order
(Anti-VAMP is called for those)


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