VAMP against WEMB

In 10th verse, is told KHANIF agenda AGAIN.
So he was the subject of Abraham.

15/10. Ve le kad erselna min kablike şiyeıl evvelin

That verse in accordance with the patriarch and Rasul parallelism, Ibrahim Rasul and Dabbet (Mursel) in parallel, again on the agenda of KHANIFAGE were taken and where Allah has used a very specific phrase: (KAVL)

Rasul and Rasul TWO plural of>>> at ERSELNA hidden secret
And the fate of two of the same>>> Regiment be (Hicr-11)

15.11. And they did not come any prophet that will ridicule him as
Ve ma ye'tyhim mir rasulin illa kanu bihy yestehziun

But Allah was teasing them:
To the heart of the Qur'an when Allah had put
Themselves Muslim believers thought>>> until Abu Sufyan and Ebi leheb
So they used to say ESLEMNA. We the ERSELNA. (12. verse)

15.12. We'll give him going like hearts of mücrim
Kezalike neslükühu fi kulubil mücrimin

Religion and the teachings of their ancestors had

15.13. Pressing the front of the nation in the past when the past still do not believe him.
La yü'minune bihı ve kad halet sünnetül evvelin
"I am Zulkarneyn" l says, who believes that?
The door is opened, even from the sky did not believe Zulkarneyn self! (Hicr 14)

15.14. They open a door on them from the sky, we rise up from there although they also,
Ve lev fetahna aleyhim babem mines semai fe zallu fıhi ya'rucun
and against bond (VAMP CAMP) the same way they pass into each of their Zulkarneyn that God's blessing and not pseudo-science and technology guidance to the REQUIRED gave. (15. verse)

15/15 Would certainly say: "Our eyes have been returned, our view was drunk. Maybe we were hitting a collective, our growth."
Le kalu innema sükkirat ebsaruna bel nahnü kavmün meshurun
Yet all of this bond WEMB is God's knowledge, science and technology that they know very little of interest.

Ant to get that sign in the sky go from there taaa need to wonder for those who see the black gates and tunnels that BABUSSEMA open the way God had ...

15.16. Indeed, we are constellations in the sky made. And ministers have to decorate it.
Ve le kad cealna fis semai bürucev ve zeyyennaha lin nazirin

The eleventh planet's light has been entered into the winter sign, Capricorn fish out of the day, the Zodiac belt Equatorial (equator) a fork upright (pole) and is entered Şi'ra do you find yourself in one.

Billion light-years away as it was as if NO. Would suddenly accelerate to the speed of light. It's an incredible thing: gin becomes concrete. Under relativistic effects, or you energy. When you get to the same consistency (to match the speed) with a daemon can crash 1N. Not appear to be accidents. (Hicr-16-17)

They want to prevent you come to Tariq.
They want to hurt you. But you leaving it Hicr, SIHAB (energy) would ensure return (Hicr-18)

15.18. However, the ear is theft, it also follows a bright sihab.
İlla menisterekas sem'a fe etbeahu şihabüm mübyn

They can not be detected by you so that your divine mission.

VAMP them says: "O gin friends. A second team will have our Art. They come to destroy you! To protect yourself in the name of your disability. Thus, even Satan and gin traps of the devil whispers from people who would reach the sky Tariq. And you will find them in return. (There is no more at risk to Zulkarneyn a patrol in the universe)

Fortunately, this is the simplest:
YOU who are leaving, returning to yourself and hope you find ways to escape from the trap daemon is established by (the addresses of the minefield) know. There are currently KAF MOUNTAIN circuit.
O mountains, in fact concave (hollow of the world) are the mountains and pass like a cloud ...
Until that RISK until you see the hard mountain (Hicr-19)

15/19 Place spring we spread it, and we planted it in the mountains strong moderate / We finished everything harmonious.
Vel erda medednaha ve elkayna fyha ravasiye ve embetna fyha min külli şey'im mevzun

All Zulkarneyn entire ALLAH said:
"Languages do you do if you evil (such as MIB), you wish you behave kindly."
Corruption against the party (VAMP), was the first option of preference. Or WEMB would establish MIB, the historical radical change would help. But that verse ... That's the hand we have our arms connected.

For Zionist JB (joackin and Boaz), has been identified as two columns. (Also has been written as Jaeckin and Boas,etc. ) That are known as anti TwoDoors for the WEMB name and he kept Tudor. That is a kind of future ZulKarnEyn cycle and / or moved past the name!

That is FOUR (such as blood-group) ALEM universe of possibilities,
history consists of all incoming Tudors struggle with other JB's.

Not been to intervene in world history, world history and future would live a well-known. But JB PRIOR comes to intervene in history, history is changing.

For example, the date is changed as follows:
All the world's most (All Asia, all Africa, all South America and Eastern Europe and Front Asia) are being communist. (USA, CANADA, the Lord of Western Europe.)
So let's say A is the world's course, they came from Jewish domination master established a communist state are continental, world state. Everyone was a slave for high Jewish interests.

Then comes a second bond
(Vamp against WEMB)

So come Tudors.
These objectives also possible, of course, in the period of Hitler
WEMB to establish, (Adler period or ...)

Two Heavens (garden) with the already WEMB fight consists of VAMP.
7 meaning of the word paradise.

Meaning in the world, said: "Hidden Camp"
(Cen>>> Sanskrit, and "hide out" and "gene" means.)

Our bond (garden) I turn the original the word is CENNET(heaven), but this "cultivated garden" means. CENAH(flank) the second meaning (direction, side) is.

Into Latin cultivated garden, park or track and then into Latin flank Camp, Campus I can convert. (Please remember BloCAMParkı>>> Our CENAH's / Heaven 'is the name.)

Means that two (eg military) have CAMP, their encampment and headquarters there. Encampment Hazer (in war), headquarters is located in the opposite. Then meet PARK and CAMP, these two words.

Park in Turkish word 'home-bark' samples in the bark. (bahçe.) Borg in Germanic languages, Burg, Borrough, etc. It came from outside-for example-your castle, outside walls>>> Campus.

In the future, these two words (of course, inspired from the Qur'an) is located in bloCAMPARK format. Yet another variant of Parc word "neighboring farm community" means PACT. (Akt, covenant, treaty, agreement, covenant, etc..)

Here are two links (Heaven, flank the enemy camp, the other tracks and etc.. 's name), he goes in the Qur'an CENNET. Cennet (Paradise), simple in Arabic "vineyard, garden" means. But we have no easy exit from Arabic. Contact 7 and 49 meanings (eg the expansion) installed. Occurrence of the word in each verse communities That VINEYARDS, "They have two ties to their model," he is.

Self-determination of his own money to WEMB, vamp the status of the draw is that the world Jewish (z-0) will manage the company. Everything ZİON are property of each company. The whole world, slaves of Jews (goyim). VAMP so he says.

Mahdi and the Messiah is the order process and vice versa tells PRESENT:
SELF Determination
Everyone manages itself, the individual is no slave
Is no rich Jewish master
They absorb milk from the breast of kings.

Contact (Omnijective to view) that "science does not reject, on the contrary, notice that there is anything in nature, and one day we will certainly find" the moral act.

We already fix rather than individual diseases,
RE-up will favor.

Without any disease and EVERYBODY order
Wishes of the Communist
Utopian paradise, this will be
The capitalist wants to ...

So communism and capitalism for the first time in this order and without any real and true as utopian share the same taste will. Marx back in time by going to this order, we "COMMUNISM" he has swallowed. However, the level itself was Mighty's WEMB ...

Consisting of the letters i WEMB cornered by combining WEMB swastika Hitler's father who is also low. Wemb of arms, now seems swastika. So quit calling one of the "Nazis" might say.

'Against Bonds' cunning. And rising, and our values is our noble uses. Fraternity-Justice-Freedom, etc.. not of mason, we are our words. Is sacred and .. Fraternity also ...
But it's coming out that it was Masonic slogan. Brotherhood (Uhuvvet) = Mason brotherhood , Big Brother, Fraire, etc. been made.

Instead Adler
Hitler was brought wild.
Instead Parapsychology
Freudism psychology have been established.
So to use the sacred terms and slogans we are afraid ...
Create WEMB future, time travel mechanism that although interest groups had found. Two of the group was evil (Jews dominant and Sophiany dominant)

We are them, that garden owners, such as trouble trouble. Know, they come morning, they saw out would swear had always garden. But it was another one. Third way, 3M way ...

Have been set out: Sophiany+Jewish forces
These are REMOVE group,
others, such as "split = EVERYBODY EQUAL WEALTH get in"
and HALAL earnings (drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc.. verses he says are not looking.)

Only to prevent violence early on as people have to have sufficient forces.
So softa-Zionist collaboration on behalf of the team Zionist
(Einstein, Marx, Freud, Velikovski, Herzl, etc..)
are set out.

There are single purpose: VAMP
So World COMPANIES state.

(They also had at the time. For example, Hudson Bay Company, etc.. Search, please)

WEMB bond contrary, VAMP bond, one of the world EQUAL WEMBassy (Wembassadors) not by, in the future will manage as some Jewish FAMILY BUSINESS is based on.

So the poor majority and the CONSUMER (Goyim)
They, too, that consumers of SELLER
If the population explosion (China, India, etc..)
Two H-bomb in there you'll swing, descend to the Israeli population ...

What is a VAMP?
(Vampire, Vampyr outside)
VAMP is a Talmud holy word.
INDIVIDUAL do not want a slave!

All of the world as their slaves, and they should be exploited in the form of the Company has ordered the Talmud. Ie "I have three slaves" is not ALL you CONSUMPTION (Goyim) my slave mine.

We will absorb all the milk from the breast of kings, Goyims!
Here the icon is a sacred word VAMP.
(Or for such and such artist is not to say women Vamp)
They are sacred words.

In contrast to the steep face as WE WEMB.
Even the Jews in their WEMB free, equitable, we want to leave.
But what they did,
"ALL THE WORLD / WEMB 'are in, including wember us are our slaves."
We will build, you will eat!
You always poor, and we always will be wealthy!

Here is a TWO (Heaven and madness's) This is a fight.

Company to manage the world, such as Orwell's 1984 utopian novel in the world of Production (cartel and trust that all Jews are family) taking SINGLE Farmers to their own races, the animals (except the Jewish race also) to consumers, jeans from Hamburger; Cola, plastic bottles from water to make up addict! Big Bros (one to Aussies) To create the legend.

When passengers,
two bond holders,
good and bad ...

Bad people, Jews formed a scheme.
"Time around the vehicle Durakapalam" have missed a night furtively.
Marx, Freud, Einstein, Wolf Messing ...
Not WEMB, Zion order to establish ...

Allah's schemes
course MAHDI, JESUS (as the leaders of KHANIVES) will break with the counter-attack.

In 1945 Alias "Mighty" Adler founded order broke down 12 Dozen ... Mighty 300 years ahead, time to wait until 8 hours from the drawer. Radar, computers, rockets, helicopters, electronic technologies found in all THE SAME YEAR. Philadelphia Experiment and the United States in the first atomic bomb test was performed in the war.

A disgrace in 1945 he arrived in the NSDAP, WEMB instead. Instead of the four letters of arms WEMB called Swastika infamy came swastika scandal.Alias instead Aloid. Adler Hiedler instead.

Allah will surely guide them ... OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITION

Their first date development because they are changing first.
Second team (Vol.1), Timebulance = Time ambulance arrived with, but
Came the date was later altered.
And the second team came volvanen (Volume: 1 / N) everything was over. World instead of fire have been translated, Adler forward 365 years, the cave(KEHF) had been taken to be postponed.

All on top of them, trying to re-establish the world, all KMA and Tennessee Sparrowhawk (Buzzard) Hawking, humanity owes much. Passangers and "Messenger Janna" humanity owes much.

Islam, even the existence of Mighty
"Time ambulance" the second vehicle, TARIQ owes ...

I have no chance of AB and 0.
A (WEMB) B (VAMP) remained.
Now only the A var.

Jewish company rather
Partner nations took place ORDER ...
Messiah will take care of the rest.
Mighty has done is
Islam around the world WEMB ...

Keep you knew were in the EU case. This meant that the camel can not. However Khorasan unity (Hori-Zone) Time-Timing by making time to save the Mahdi.

I mentioned, "BIN SOPHIAN" was called for Muslims HORRORZONE. They had always prevailed. However, with Saturn's recent transition (the other 2304) were defeated for the first time.

Karasancak, "Uyghur Turks" been in the hands unless! It were the Khorasan region HORI-ZONE. In Siyeri Nebi, "come from Khorasan" he. Now that we know what that means. :)

Zionists also bin Sophian (Abu Sufyan future goods become format), were supporters. Jews in Islamic WEMB again Birobican (Birobidjan) were exiled. They broke into Muslim Muslims had developed and watched from the edge. And financial support as they had been provoked BinSophian.

But "the sinking ship that del Hızır instance">>> on Uyghur Turks "Hori-Zone 3200 union martyrs" of this war changed. Otherwise, they point to the Japanese against the Chinese administration would remove the eye as compared to the First Union would massacred. However, the course of history, Virtual-Vertical to Horizontal-Actual made.

An enemy in time for the unity of Istanbul, do not fall Overwrite Gurdjieff (KMA) was achieved. Will win the war (Glass will move or boiler will burst loss ANZAC troops were regiments. That the British troops at Gallipoli, they lost. At least that young children are not dead, over three centuries when they are comfortable now! Past wars to give life was for. Now this does not exist! That will be the winning technology . This is the order of the Qur'an: Allah does not want to die of a single life.
WEMB-OverWrite (WOW)
(In fact, there is also the fourth: WEMB-overWALHALLA...)


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