Our Karasancak (Blackflag) value very well known here!
In the hands Misaq and 3M, will increase it!
Rahman sure as in>>> The two east and two west of the rabbi is the symbol o!
Please know that the four color values, because they are WEMB colors ...

The graphics rhombus four colors (blue, yellow, green and red) into the seat turned into a black ground, this KARASANCAK name. Karasancak is now famous.

KHANIF religion, is the flag.
So Allahlaw's Karasancak ...

The other is WEMB letters,
Walhalla is that flag.
If you already considered as the equilateral, Allah of writing, Lam + lamelif ones that "W", "E", "M" letter and "3" looks like. Said that, looking up to 3 digits can create one: there is written Lillah. (Latin letter W)

When you turn it in four directions "W", "E", "M", "B" will see the letters. Here black floor and draw it when you sit, your face comes KARASANCAK. Mighty'nin and then stroked Messiah'ın their flag! There are four directions four ALLAH name. "The two east and two west of the Lord" means. Four symbol is called a parish.

Crescent, now our flag, coat of arms will remain classical Islam. Because the Moon, Sun, Stars, Ibrahim worship of our ancestors were three GAVE. Flags can be used in, but the main symbol of Islam can not be! Before us because the Jews were using crescent. Kabbalah, filled to overflowing crescent ...

Do you remember anything like this started? Quraysh went to America, in Tennessee tonight. Wals was ringing, and Mississippi was a farewell. Missisppi was achieved to the Graceland, the Quraysh-Country ... Such had begun ... Those who know know! QURAYSHLAND in The Mississippi delta!
Future GRACELAND (Quraysh)
Standing right at the top of the Mississippi delta
With World-Wide Capital city
WEMB-WALHALLA's projection here.

Why black flag? Why not dark green? PEACE and PEACE say, is the WHITE FLAG. However, Muslims in the blood of Muslims in the war will be included, KARASANCAK not in vain!
Now the main secret is:
If Muslims fight Muslims, both of which can not be WHITE ... And peaceful Muslims, that like others (Hadis-light), that the Mehdi army, that day, that will be manifested in the famous verse: "with hatefull to die."

Here is the bloodshed of Muslims by Muslims, Mighty (The Khaniffate) side of the emblem, it will karasancak. This is not a rare thing lost is one of Hiedler side. WEMB the emblem of the Nazi Cross did.

That flag, Sophiany will end.
Sophistler upside down and
Mighty come up!

ADLER against the Swastika.

WEMB against the Swastika.
Now this Swastika (swastika cross) World hates.
Yet it is the Adler's arms. CROSS has nothing to do with.

WEMB under arms in line, had a few name.

Hans Eiberg,
Hansel Heiberg,
Rudolf L. Hans Eiberg,
Edström Tudor,
Bülent Ayberk...

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